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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 K/D Calculator

Enter Your Stats
Go to Barracks > Stats > Leaderboards in-game to find your stats. Fill in your stats in the fields below to calculate your K/D Ratio and see how it compares to your E/D Ratio.
Combat Record

E/D Ratio


K/D Ratio












Headshot %


How To Calculate Your K/D Ratio?

Normally Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 only shows your E/D Ratio, which includes Assists and is always larger than your K/D Ratio. But you can calculate your K/D Ratio using the formula:

K/D Ratio = Headshots ÷ Headshot % ÷ Deaths

This formula estimates your Kills by dividing Headshots by Headshot %. It works, because the game calculates your Headshot % as Headshot Kills divided by Total Kills.

To find your Headshots, Headshot % and Deaths, open Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and go to Barracks > Stats > Leaderboards.

Alternatively, you can simply use our K/D Calculator to do the calculations for you. Just enter your stats in the fields above.

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